Editing Tools
- 9 Dopamine Hacks for Freelance Book Editors (from Editorial Arts Academy)
- 21 Top Tips to Make the Most of Your Freelance Copyeditor or Proofreader (from the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading)
- 21 Top Tips to Make the Most of Your Project Manager or Managing Editor (from the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading)
- "50 Style Guide Tools, Articles, Books and Resources," from Tuts+
- 140 Characters: A Style Guide for the Short Form [reference work to buy]
- @AMAManual: the AMA Manual of Style on X, formerly known as Twitter
- @APA_Style: the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association on X, formerly known as Twitter
- @ChicagoManual: the Chicago Manual of Style on X, formerly known as Twitter
- Copyright and Permissions: What Every Writer and Editor Should Know [reference work to buy]
- @GrammarGirl: grammar expert Grammar Girl (aka Mignon Fogarty), author of Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing, on X, formerly known as Twitter
- AAA Style Guide (from the American Anthropological Association) [PDF to download]
- AAJA Handbook to Covering Asian America (from the Asian American Journalists Association) [online reference work]
- Acronym Finder
- Acronym Search
- The ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication (This is the digital-only equivalent of a new version of the outdated 3rd-edition print book The ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific Information. The digital guide is updated periodically. Most editors access the digital guide through their membership in the American Chemical Society, but there are subscription options for self-employed editors. Contact the society's marketing department—call 800-333-9511 in the USA and Canada, or 614-447-3776 outside North America—to get details.) [reference work to buy]
- "AGU Grammar and Style Guide" (from the American Geophysical Union) [PDF to download]
- "Air University Style and Author Guide" (guide to Air Force style) [PDF to download]
- All About PDF Stamps in Acrobat & Paperless Workflows [reference work to buy]
- "An Ally's Guide to Terminology: Talking About LGBT People & Equality" (from GLAAD) [PDF to download]
- ALWD Guide to Legal Citation [reference work to buy]
- AMA Manual of Style (see the publisher's page also) [hardcover reference work to buy and online reference to subscribe to]
- AMA Style Insider [blog by the publishers of the AMA Manual of Style]
- "American Forces Press Service Supplement to the Associated Press Stylebook" [PDF to download]
- The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language [reference work to buy]
- The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language [online reference work]
- American National Biography Online [online reference to subscribe to]
- American Sociological Association Style Guide [reference work to buy]
- Annotating PDFs: A Piece of the Digital Workflow, part 1, part 2, and part 3 (from Allen Press) [3 videos, each approximately 14 minutes long]
- AnyCount (word-, character-, and line-counting software that works on many different file formats) [software to buy]
- "AOU Checklist of North and Middle American Birds" (from the American Ornithologists' Union) [online reference work]
- AP StyleGuard (for checking Microsoft Word documents for Associated Press style) [software to buy; available in both PC and Mac versions]
- AP vs. Chicago [blog]
- The APA Dictionary of Psychology [reference work to use online or to buy]
- APA Style [blog by the publishers of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association]
- Appendix A: Abbreviations for Commonly Used English Words in Journal Titles (from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine)
- Apple Style Guide (from Apple Inc.) [PDF to download]
- @APStylebook: the Associated Press Stylebook on X, formerly known as Twitter
- "The Argument for Making Changes Silently, Not Tracking Them," from the blog Right Angels and Polo Bears
- "Army Communicator Style Manual"
- The Art & Architecture Thesaurus
- The Art of Editing in the Age of Convergence [reference work to buy]
- The Art of Editing for the Corporate Market [reference work to buy]
- Asana (project-management software) [software]
- The Asian American Journalists Association Style Guide [reference work to use online]
- ASME Guide to Conference Publications: References (from the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) [online reference work]
- Associated Press Stylebook [reference work to buy]
- Auditing Dictionary of Terms (from Accounting Institute Seminars)
- The Australian Editing Handbook [reference work to buy]
- Australian Government Style Manual
- "Avoiding Plagiarism, Self-Plagiarism, and Other Questionable Writing Practices: A Guide to Ethical Writing" (written by Miguel Roig, PhD, and made available by the Office of Research Integrity of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; document also available as a PDF)
- A–Z of Medical Writing [reference work to buy]
- Basecamp (project-management software) [software]
- Basic Legal Citation [reference work to download as a PDF]
- "Basic PDF Mark-Up for Copy Editors and Proofreaders," from the blog Right Angels and Polo Bears
- The BBC News Styleguide (from the BBC) [online reference work]
- The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English: Your Guide to Collocations and Grammar [reference work to buy]
- "Benchmarks for Estimating Editing Speed" (from the Society for Technical Communication; also available as a PDF)
- "Bias-Free Language"
- Bibliography of articles for editors and writers
- BibMe (for managing bibliographies and reference lists) [cloud-based freeware]
- Biological Journals and Abbreviations (searchable database)
- "BISAC Subject Headings List, Major Subjects" (from the Book Industry Study Group, for categorizing books for booksellers, libraries, etc.)
- The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation [reference work to buy]
- Bookends (for managing bibliographies and reference lists) [Macintosh software to buy]
- "Brand Identity Style Guides From Around the World," from Logo Design Love [online reference works and PDFs to download]
- "A Brief Guide to the Science and Art of Writing Manuscripts in Biomedicine," from the Journal of Translational Medicine
- British Library (search page for the library's catalogs)
- Bryson's Dictionary of Troublesome Words: A Writer's Guide to Getting It Right [reference work to buy]
- Butcher's Copy-editing [reference work to buy]
- California Digital Library Online Catalog
- Canadian Oxford Dictionary [reference work to buy]
- Canadian Patents Database (from the Canadian Intellectual Property Office; search for Canadian patents)
- The Canadian Press Stylebook: A Guide for Writing and Editing [reference work to buy]
- The Canadian Style: A Guide to Writing and Editing [reference work to buy]
- Canadian Trade-marks Database (from the Canadian Intellectual Property Office; search for Canadian trademarks)
- The Careful Writer [reference work to buy]
- Catalogue of Life (a global index, with contributors from around the world, of all known animal, plant, fungus, and microorganism species)
- CDC Clear Communication Index (from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) [PDF to download]
- CDC Style Guide (from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) [PDF to download]
- Chambers Dictionary of Etymology [reference work to buy]
- Charlton T. Lewis, An Elementary Latin Dictionary [online reference work]
- Charlton T. Lewis,Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary [online reference work]
- Checklist for Plain Language (from the Plain Language Action and Information Network of the US government)
- Checklist For Revising Dissertations For Book Publication
- The Chemist's English [reference work to buy]
- The Chicago Guide to Copyediting Fiction, by Amy J. Schneider [reference work to buy]
- Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition (a Spanish-language version of the 16th edition is available; see the Manual de estilo Chicago-Deusto on this page)
- "Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide" (a guide to following Chicago Manual style [18th edition] for references)
- Choosing a journal (collection of blog posts on the factors to consider when choosing which journal you will submit a manuscript to): part I, part II, part III, part IV, and part V
- The Christian Writer's Manual of Style [reference work to buy]
- CIA World Factbook
- Cite Right: A Quick Guide to Citation Styles—MLA, APA, Chicago, the Sciences, Professions, and More, 3rd edition [reference work to buy]
- Cite This For Me (for managing bibliographies and reference lists) [cloud-based freeware; subscription plans and Microsoft Word add-on are available]
- Citation Machine (for managing bibliographies and reference lists) [cloud-based freeware]
- Citation Style for Research Papers: APA, Chicago, EasyBib, Endnote Basic, MLA, Zotero
- Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [PDFs to download]
- Clinical Chemistry Guide to Scientific Writing
- CNS Stylebook on Religion [reference work to buy]
- Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Scholarly Research in Communication (from the International Communication Association, via the Center for Social Media)
- Collins Robert French Unabridged Dictionary [reference work to buy]
- "Combat Correspondent Style Guide & Notebook" (style guide for the U.S. Marine Corps) [PDF to download]
- The Complete Guide to Editing Your Fiction [reference work to buy]
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Medical Terminology [reference work to buy]
- The Concise Guide to Copy Editing: Preparing Written Work for Readers [reference work to buy]
- Concise Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary [reference work to buy]
- "Conflict of Interest in Peer-Reviewed Medical Journals" (from the World Association of Medical Editors)
- Conscious Style Guide (website created by editor and writer Karen Yin that is devoted to conscious language, with a mission to help writers and editors think critically about using language—including words, portrayals, framing, and representation—to empower instead of limit; see the "Guides" section for guides to conscious language in areas such as ability and disability, age, appearance, sexuality, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity, race, and nationality) [online reference work]
- The Conscious Style Guide: A Flexible Approach to Language That Includes, Respects, and Empowers (book, by Karen Yin, the creator of the website Conscious Style Guide, devoted to conscious language, with a mission to help writers and editors think critically about using language—including words, portrayals, framing, and representation—to empower instead of limit [reference work to buy]
- Copac National, Academic and Specialist Library Catalogue (for searching UK and Irish academic, national, and specialist library catalogs)
- The Copy Editing and Headline Handbook [reference work to buy]
- Copyediting: A Practical Guide [reference work to buy]
- "Copyediting Principles," from Mike's Web Log
- Copyediting & Proofreading For Dummies [reference work to buy]
- The Copyeditor's Handbook: A Guide for Book Publishing and Corporate Communications [reference work to buy]
- "Copyright Basics" (from the Copyright Clearance Center)
- Copyright resources (from the Copyright Clearance Center)
- "Copyright for Authors" (from the University of Texas Arlington Library)
- "Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States" (from the Cornell Copyright Information Center)
- The Cornell Lab of Ornithology: All About Birds (for identifying birds by name, shape, and taxonomy) [online reference work]
- "Corrigo Archives" of articles on technical editing (from the Society for Technical Communication)
- "The Cost of Salami Slicing," from Nature Materials (about the problem with least publishable units, aka smallest publishable units)
- "Create a Checklist of Your PDF Mark-up in 2 Clicks," from the blog Right Angels and Polo Bears
- "Create a custom dynamic stamp in Acrobat XI" (PDF editing stamps)
- "Create custom stamps in Acrobat 9" (PDF editing stamps)
- "Create an Exclusion Dictionary" (a guide to setting up an exclusion dictionary for multiple versions of Microsoft Word)
- Creative Commons search (useful for searching for reusable images, music, and other media)
- Cultural Objects Name Authority
- "Customising Track Changes," from the LibroEditing blog
- Data Journalism Handbook [reference work to buy]
- "Deciphering a Redlined Manuscript," which explains to authors how to deal with Microsoft Word's track changes function in reviewing the edits made to their manuscript by copyeditors (from the blog Lingua Franca)
- Definitions of editorial services (from the Bay Area Editors' Forum)
- Definitions of editorial skills (from the Editors' Association of Canada)
- Definitions Related to Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity in APA Documents (from the American Psychological Association) [PDF to download]
- The Deluxe Food Lover's Companion [reference work to buy]
- The Deluxe Transitive Vampire: The Ultimate Handbook of Grammar for the Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed [reference work to buy]
- "Department of Defense Captioning Style Guide" [PDF to download]
- Developmental Editing: A Handbook for Freelancers, Authors, and Publishers [reference work to buy]
- Dictionary.com
- Dictionary of American Regional English [reference work to buy]
- A Dictionary of Hiberno-English (English as it is spoken in Ireland) [reference work to buy]
- A Dictionary of Slang (has links to resources on U.S., Australian, British, Irish, South African, and specialty slang)
- Dictionary of South African English [online reference work]
- Digital object identifier (DOI) lookup for entire reference lists (from CrossRef; a DOI is a unique and permanent Internet document identifier)
- Directory of Open Access Journals
- Docs for Facebook (for creating or uploading Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files to share on Facebook) [freeware]
- Documents related to gender identity issues (a search on the website of the National Institute of Corrections)
- DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (from the Joint Chiefs of Staff) [PDF to download]
- Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary [reference work to buy]
- Double-Tongued Dictionary
- Drug Information Portal (from the U.S. National Library of Medicine)
- "EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to Be Published in English" (from the European Association of Science Editors; major editorial recommendations for multilingual authors of scientific articles and for the language and editorial professionals who work with them; translations to more than 20 languages are available)
- The EASE Science Editors' Handbook (from the European Association of Science Editors) [reference work to buy]
- EasyBib (for editing, correcting, and linking bibliographies and reference lists according to multiple styles) [cloud-based freeware]
- EasyBib Pro (for editing, correcting, and linking bibliographies and reference lists according to multiple styles) [cloud-based software available by paid subscription]
- The Economist Style Guide [reference work to buy]
- Edifix (for editing, correcting, and linking bibliographies and reference lists according to multiple styles) [cloud-based subscription software]
- "Edit Tools for Marking up PDFs in Acrobat," from the blog Right Angels and Polo Bears
- Editing and proofreading symbols, from the Chicago Manual of Style
- Editing Canadian English [reference work to buy]
- "Editing Documents on Google Drive—Screencast" (video tutorial)
- Editing Scientific and Medical Research Articles [reference work to buy (nonmembers of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading) or download (members of the organization)]
- Editing Technical Writing [reference work to buy]
- Editing tests (from the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund editing internship program, via EditTeach.org)
- Editing the Future (resources about the future of editing)
- The Editor's Companion (Australian style guide) [reference work to buy]
- The Editor's Companion: An Indispensable Guide to Editing Books, Magazines, Online Publications, and More [reference work to buy]
- An Editor's Guide to Working with Authors [reference work to buy]
- The Editorium: macro packages, including Editor's ToolKit Plus, FileCleaner, ListFixer, MegaReplacer, MultiMacro, NoteStripper, RazzmaTag, and WordCounter [editing macros to buy]
- Editorium Update archives (archives of a free e-mail newsletter from The Editorium; subscription information is here)
- Editors on Editing: What Writers Need to Know About What Editors Do [reference work to buy]
- "Editors' Show and Tell: Time-Saving Tips and Tricks," from the blog of Iva Cheung
- EditTeach
- EditTools [editing macros to buy]
- Effective Onscreen Editing: New Tools for an Old Profession [reference work to buy]
- "Electronic Editing: With Your Computer, Not Just On It"
- "Electronic Editing: With Your Computer, Not Just On It—Tipsheet" (including information on creating macros)
- The Elements of F*cking Style: A Helpful Parody [reference work to buy]
- Elements of Indigenous Style: A Guide for Writing By and About Indigenous Peoples, 2nd edition [reference work to buy]
- The Elements of Internet Style: The New Rules of Creating Valuable Content for Today's Readers [reference work to buy]
- The Elephants of Style: A Trunkload of Tips on the Big Issues and Gray Areas of Contemporary American English [reference work to buy]
- Encyclopaedia Britannica [online reference to subscribe to]
- Encyclopedia.com
- EndNote (for managing bibliographies and reference lists) [PC and Macintosh software to buy]
- EndNote e-mail forums (for seeking advice on the software for managing bibliographies and reference lists) [PC and Macintosh software to buy]
- English Style Guide (from the European Commission Directorate-General for Translation) [PDF to download]
- English Verb Conjugations: 123 Irregular Verbs Fully Conjugated [reference work to buy]
- "English Versions of Chinese Authors' Names in Biomedical Journals: Observations and Recommendations" (article in Science Editor, 2002:25[1]:3–4) [PDF to download]
- Equipment and Software for Medical Writers [PDF to download]
- Ergonomic book and copy holders [equipment to buy]
- "Error Rates in Editing: What’s Your Save Percentage?" (by editor Adrienne Montgomerie) [podcast and transcript]
- The European Library (portal for searching the collections of the 48 national libraries of Europe and leading European research libraries)
- An Exaltation of Larks: The Ultimate Edition (a guide to nouns of multitude, or terms of venery, such as a murmuration of starlings, a gaggle of geese, and a parliament of owls) [reference work to buy]
- ExcelVBA e-mail list (when you need help with Microsoft Excel VBA, which is Visual Basic for Applications, a programming language that helps with document automation)
- Fact sheets and resources about practical aspects of editing and proofreading, some available to everyone, and others available only to members of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (from the CIEP)
- The Fact-Checking Project (designed as a tool for journalists, editors, fact-checkers, newsrooms, and journalism professors), from the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT
- "Federal Plain Language Guidelines," from the Plain Language Action and Information Network formed by U.S. government employees
- The European Library (portal for searching the collections of the 48 national libraries of Europe and leading European research libraries)
- Financial Times Lexicon [online reference work to buy]
- The Financial Writer's Stylebook: 1,100 Business Terms Defined and Rated [reference work to buy]
- "Finding Diverse Sources for Science Stories," from The Open Notebook (nonprofit organization that provides tools and resources to help science, environmental, and health journalists)
- "Finding, Working With, and Retaining ESL [Multilingual] Clients," part 1, part 2, and part 3, from the blog An American Editor
- "First Things First," about a hierarchy of writing and editing values, from the blog You Don't Say
- FOB: Firms Out of Business (useful for finding details for reference-list items that were produced by long-gone publishers)
- The Forest for the Trees: An Editor's Advice to Writers (on stylistic and structural editing) [reference work to buy]
- "Formatting with Macros," from the blog An American Editor
- Fowler's The King's English [reference work to buy]
- Franklin Covey Style Guide for Business and Technical Communication [reference work to buy]
- "Free Downloadable PDF Proofreading Stamps" (PDF editing stamps available in red, blue, and black versions)
- Free Medical Journals (links to medical journals with some or all articles available at no charge)
- Free Stamp Collections for PDF-XChange Viewer (PDF editing stamps)
- A Freelance Editor's Guide to Book Production [reference work to buy]
- Frequently asked questions about APA (American Psychological Association) style
- From Dissertation to Book [reference work to buy]
- From Numbers to Words: Reporting Statistical Results for the Social Sciences [reference work to buy]
- FUBAR: Soldier Slang of World War II [reference work to buy]
- Garner's Modern American Usage [reference work to buy]
- "Gender and Inclusive Language," from the blog of (from Rabbit with a Red Pen)
- "General Guidelines for Reducing Bias" (supplemental material from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition)
- Getting Permission: How to License & Clear Copyrighted Materials Online & Off [reference work to buy]
- Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
- Git (version-control software) [freeware]
- GLAAD Media Reference Guide—Transgender (from the GLAAD Transgender Media Program) [online reference work]
- The Glamour of Grammar: A Guide to the Magic and Mystery of Practical English [reference work to buy]
- The Global English Style Guide: Writing Clear, Translatable Documentation for a Global Market [reference work to buy]
- Glossary of Genomics Terms
- Glossary of Geology [reference work to buy]
- Glossary of Terms (from the Human Rights Campaign) [online reference work]
- Google Scholar: find published research articles, find theses, find abstracts, determine where a research article has been cited, find court opinions, and find information on patents (free)
- Grammar by Diagram: Understanding English Grammar Through Traditional Sentence Diagramming [reference work to buy]
- Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing [reference work to buy]
- Grammatical Gleanings [reference work to buy]
- Grammatically Correct: The Essential Guide to Spelling, Style, Usage, Grammar, and Punctuation [reference work to buy]
- The Gregg Reference Manual: A Manual of Style, Grammar, Usage, and Formatting Tribute Edition [reference work to buy]
- Guardian and Observer Style Guide (from the The Guardian [of London]) [online reference work]
- A Guide for the Freelance Indexer [reference work to buy]
- "Guide to Scientific Writing: The Title Says It All" (part 1, from Clinical Chemistry) [PDF to download]
- "Guide to Scientific Writing: The Abstract and the Elevator Talk: A Tale of Two Summaries" (part 2, from Clinical Chemistry) [PDF to download]
- "Guide to Scientific Writing: ‘It was a cold and rainy night': Set the Scene with a Good Introduction" (part 3, from Clinical Chemistry) [PDF to download]
- "Guide to Scientific Writing: Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why: The Ingredients in the Recipe for a Successful Methods Section" (part 4, from Clinical Chemistry) [PDF to download]
- "Guide to Scientific Writing: Show Your Cards: The Results Section and the Poker Game" (part 5, from Clinical Chemistry) [PDF to download]
- "Guide to Scientific Writing: If an IRDAM Journal Is What You Choose, Then Sequential Results Are What You Use" (part 6, from Clinical Chemistry) [PDF to download]
- "Guide to Scientific Writing: Put Your Best Figure Forward: Line Graphs and Scattergrams" (part 7, from Clinical Chemistry) [PDF to download]
- "Guide to Scientific Writing: Bars and Pies Make Better Desserts than Figures" (part 8, from Clinical Chemistry) [PDF to download]
- "Guide to Scientific Writing: Bring Your Best to the Table" (part 9, from Clinical Chemistry) [PDF to download]
- "Guide to Scientific Writing: The Discussion Section: Your Closing Argument" (part 10, from Clinical Chemistry) [PDF to download]
- "Guide to Scientific Writing: Giving Credit: Citations and References" (part 11, from Clinical Chemistry) [PDF to download]
- "Guide to Scientific Writing: How to Write a Rave Review" (part 12, from Clinical Chemistry) [PDF to download]
- "Guide to Scientific Writing: Top 10 Tips for Responding to Reviewer and Editor Comments" (part 13, from Clinical Chemistry) [PDF to download]
- "Guide to Scientific Writing: Passing the Paternité Test" (part 14, from Clinical Chemistry) [PDF to download]
- Guidelines: How to Write and Report About People with Disabilities (from the Research and Training Center on Independent Living at the University of Kansas) [online reference work]
- Handbook of Denominations in the United States [reference work to buy]
- The Handbook of Good English [reference work to buy]
- Handbook of Journalism (from Reuters)
- Handbook of Nonsexist Writing: For writers, editors and speakers
- Handouts from the 2012 national conference of ACES: The Society for Editing (aka the American Copy Editors Society) [PDFs to download]
- Handouts from the 2013 national conference of ACES: The Society for Editing (aka the American Copy Editors Society) [PDFs to download]
- Handouts from the 2014 national conference of ACES: The Society for Editing (aka the American Copy Editors Society) [PDFs to download]
- Handouts from the 2015 national conference of ACES: The Society for Editing (aka the American Copy Editors Society) [PDFs to download]
- Handouts from the 2016 national conference of ACES: The Society for Editing (aka the American Copy Editors Society) [PDFs to download]
- Handouts from the 2017 national conference of ACES: The Society for Editing (aka the American Copy Editors Society) [PDFs to download]
- Handouts from the 2018 national conference of ACES: The Society for Editing (aka the American Copy Editors Society) [PDFs to download]
- HarperCollins Bible Dictionary, revised and updated [reference work to buy]
- Health Writer's Handbook [reference work to buy]
- "How Does Track Changes in Microsoft Word Work?" from Shauna Kelly
- "How to Attach a Template to a Word 2010 Document," from the web site of the For Dummies book series
- "How to Avoid Bias in Your Writing," from the blog Daily Writing Tips
- How to Do Everything Adobe Acrobat X [reference work to buy]
- "How to Learn a Style Guide in 10 Days," a session handout from the 2012 national conference of ACES: The Society for Editing (aka the American Copy Editors Society) [PDF to download]
- "How to Proofread on a Kindle," from the blog Beyond Paper Editing
- How to Report Statistics in Medicine: Annotated Guidelines for Authors, Editors, and Reviewers [reference work to buy]
- How to use Microsoft Word's "track changes"
- How to Write a Sentence and How to Read One [reference work to buy]
- How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper [reference work to buy]
- How to Write, Publish, and Present in the Health Sciences: Guidelines for Physicians and Laboratory Researchers [reference work to buy]
- HubMed Citation Finder: paste in the contents of a bibliography and get back a numbered reference list, and then let the finder hunt down links, for each of those references, to the abstract, full text, and PubMed entry)
- HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee repository of gene nomenclature and associated resources)
- IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Style (from the Dudley Knox Library of the Naval Postgraduate School) [online reference work]
- IEEE Editorial Style Manual [PDF to download]
- "The Illusion of Certainty and the Certainty of Illusion: A Caution When Reading Scientific Articles" (article in The International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2011:2[2]:118–123) [PDF to download]
- Inclusive Language (from Boston University Marketing & Communications) [online reference work]
- Indexing Specialties: Cookbooks [reference work to buy]
- IndexLinker [macro to buy for creating hyperlinks from index to test in indexes you have created]
- Inductel definition dictionaries and spelling checkers: medical, scientific and technical, and legal [software to buy; available in both PC and Mac versions]
- The Ins and Outs of Prepositions: A Guidebook for ESL Students [reference work to buy]
- Instructions to authors for more than 6,000 peer-reviewed journals in the health and life sciences (from the Mulford Health Science Library of the University of Toledo)
- Integrated Taxonomic Information System (a searchable list, provided by the U.S. government, of all known plant, animal, bacteria, and fungus species)
- International Classification of Diseases (standard diagnostic tool for epidemiology, health management, and clinical purposes, from the World Health Organization)
- International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Sample References
- International Trademark Association's Trademark Checklist
- International Ornithological Committee World Bird List (English and taxonomic names of birds)
- Irvine's Writing About Music [reference work to buy]
- ISMP's List of Confused Drug Names (from the Institute for Safe Medication Practices) [PDF to download]
- ISMP's List of Error-Prone Abbreviations, Symbols, and Dose Designations (from the Institute for Safe Medication Practices) [PDF to download]
- Ixquick (a metasearch engine that allows searches in 18 languages and that does not record searchers' IP addresses)
- jEdit (text editor with built-in macro language and the capability of serving as an XML/HTML editor) [free software]
- Journal Selector (a tool for choosing which journal to submit a manuscript to, on the basis of several factors) [online tool to use]
- Journals currently indexed in MEDLINE
- JournalTOCs (free searchable collection of tables of contents for thousands of scholarly journals)
- "Key Mark-Up Techniques for Proofreading PDFs," from the blog Right Angels and Polo Bears
- Keyboard shortcuts for Acrobat DC (for use in annotating PDFs)
- Keyboard shortcuts for PDF-XChange (for use in annotating PDFs)
- Lapsing Into a Comma: A Curmudgeon's Guide to the Many Things That Can Go Wrong in Print—and How to Avoid Them [reference work to buy]
- KSJ Science Editing Handbook, from the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at MIT [reference work to download as a PDF]
- Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid [online reference]
- Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works [reference work to buy]
- "The Levels of Edit," from the blog The Editor's Notebook
- The Levels of Edit, from NASA [online reference]
- Library of Congress Online Catalog
- LibreOffice guides by Jean Hollis Weber (manuals for various programs in the LibreOffice suite)
- Line by Line: How to Edit Your Own Writing [reference work to buy]
- List of keyboard shortcuts in Windows XP
- The Little Style Guide to Great Christian Writing and Publishing [reference work to buy]
- Macro Cookbook for Microsoft Word [reference work to buy]
- Macros for Editors [free book of editing macros to download]
- "Macros: What Are They and How Do You Use Them?" (from ACES: The Society for Editing (aka the American Copy Editors Society)
- Making Word Work for You [reference work to buy]
- Making Word 2010 Work for You [reference work to buy]
- Manual de estilo Chicago-Deusto [reference work to buy]
- A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (by Kate L. Turabian) [reference work to buy]
- A Manual of Scientific Style: A Guide for Authors, Editors, and Researchers [reference work to buy]
- A Manual of Style: A Guide to the Basics of Good Writing [reference work to buy]
- "Manuscript Format for Three Bibliographic Styles" (comparison of MLA, APA, and Chicago styles)
- Mark My Words: Instruction and Practice in Proofreading [reference work to buy]
- Mastering APA Style: Student's Workbook and Training Guide [reference work to buy]
- Mathematics into Type [reference work to buy]
- McEdit e-mail list (when you need help with Microsoft Word and other editing tools on the Macintosh)
- Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering: ASME Citation Guide (from the University of Missouri Libraries [online reference work]
- Medical Abbreviations: 55,000 Conveniences at the Expense of Communication and Safety [reference work and online search access to buy]
- Medical editing test (from BioMedical Editor)
- Medical Library Association Style Manual [online reference]
- Medical Usage and Abusage [reference work to buy]
- MediLexicon (medical dictionary, medical abbreviation definitions, ICD9 and ICD9CM code definitions, drug information, definitions of medical equipment and surgical instruments)
- MEDLINE (PubMed)
- MedlinePlus: Drugs, Herbs and Supplements
- MedlinePlus: Medical Dictionary
- MedDRA: Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (established by ICH, the International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use)
- Merck Manual, consumer version [online reference work]
- Merck Manual, professional version [online reference work]
- Merriam-Webster Online
- McGraw-Hill's Proofreading Handbook [reference work to buy]
- Mathematics into Type [reference work to buy]
- Microsoft Knowledge Base
- Microsoft Office workbooks: Discover Microsoft Excel 2007; Discover Microsoft Word 2007; Enjoy ... Microsoft Office Excel 2007; Enjoy ... Microsoft Office Word 2007; Enjoy ... Upgrading to Microsoft Word 2007; Microsoft Word 2010 Upgrade from 2003: A New Way of Working; Microsoft Word 2010 Upgrade: Building on Word 2007; Using Normal Template in Word 2010 [reference works to buy]
- https://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Word-Medical-Technical-Writers-ebook/dp/B00C3TJK6Q [reference work to buy]
- Microsoft Word for Publishing Professionals [reference work to buy]
- Microsoft Writing Style Guide [online reference work]
- MLA Handbook [reference work to buy]
- Monash University Web Style Guide
- MSO_2007 e-mail list (when you need help with Microsoft Office 2007 for the PC)
- "My Germ-Away Tea," from the blog EditorMom (for those days when editing must continue despite the editor's upper respiratory infection)
- NABJ Style Guide (from the National Association of Black Journalists)
- National Geographic Style Manual [online reference work]
- National Security Agency (NSA) SIGINT Reporter's Style and Usage Manual, 2010 [PDF to download]
- NCBI Bookshelf (search inside medical books and documents in life science and health care, a service provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information of the U.S. National Library of Medicine)
- "New Guidelines for Research and Health Content Promote Inclusive Language" and the guide itself, for Elsevier's book authors and book editors (from Elsevier)
- New Perspectives on Technical Editing [reference work to buy]
- The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage: The Official Style Guide Used by the Writers and Editors of the World's Most Authoritative Newspaper [reference work to buy]
- The New York Times Newsroom Navigator
- NLM Catalog: Journals Referenced in the NCBI Databases (search for journals indexed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information of the U.S. National Library of Medicine)
- NTC's Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs and Other Idiomatic Verbal Phrases [reference work to buy]
- Office Watch: advice and tips about Microsoft software (not from Microsoft; subscribe here) [free newsletters]
- Ojibwe People's Dictionary [online reference work]
- "One Editor's Editing Process," from the blog of the Indian Copyeditors Forum
- "The Only Thing We Have to Fear: Wildcard Macros" (how to create wildcard macros to speed up routine tasks in Microsoft Word)
- "On the Use of Italic and Roman Fonts for Symbols in Scientific Text" (from the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) [PDF to download]
- Online Consistency Checker [free editing software, in beta, to use online]
- Online Sticky Notes [free web-based wall for notes]
- OnlineStylebooks.com (allows users to simultaneously search multiple online style guides)
- Oxford African American Studies Center [online reference to subscribe to]
- Oxford Art Online [online reference to subscribe to]
- Oxford Biblical Studies Online [online reference to subscribe to]
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography [online reference to subscribe to]
- Oxford English Dictionary Online [online reference to subscribe to]
- Oxford Islamic Studies Online [online reference to subscribe to]
- Oxford Language Dictionaries Online [online reference to subscribe to]
- Oxford Music Online [online reference to subscribe to]
- Oxford Reference Online [online reference to subscribe to]
- Oxford Scholarship Online [online reference to subscribe to]
- 'Patchwriting' Is More Common Than Plagiarism, Just as Dishonest (from the "Ethics & Trust" section of Poynter)
- Patent Full-Text Databases (from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; search for U.S. patents)
- PDF stamps from Wiley, for both the PC and the Macintosh (PDF editing stamps)
- PDF-XChange (for use in viewing and annotating PDFs)
- PerfectIt [editing software to buy]
- PerfectIt YouTube channel (video tutorials on various aspects of using the PerfectIt software)
- Plain Writing at CDC (resources from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for use in writing and editing plain-language health information for the public)
- The Plant List (a searchable list of all known plant species)
- Pocket Dictionary for the Study of Biblical Hebrew [reference work to buy]
- "Position Statement on Gender Inclusive Language" (from the Midwives Alliance of North America)
- Pocket Dictionary for the Study of New Testament Greek [reference work to buy]
- Prepositionary: The Writer's Guide to Prepositions [reference work to buy]
- "Professional Editorial Standards" (from the Editors' Association of Canada)
- Proofreading Practice: A Book of Exercises with Model Answers and Commentary (for UK proofreaders) [reference work to buy]
- Proofreading test (for British English) (from Proofreading and Copy-Editing [UK])
- Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association [reference work to buy]
- Purdue Online Writing Lab: APA style
- Purdue Online Writing Lab: Chicago Manual of Style
- Purdue Online Writing Lab: MLA (Modern Language Association) style
- "The Radical Copyeditor's Style Guide for Writing About Transgender People (from the blog Radical Copyeditor) [online reference work]
- Read Me First! A Style Guide for the Computer Industry [reference work to buy]
- Readability (web and mobile application for cleaning up cluttered web pages for easier reading on the computer, smartphone, and tablet) [free software]
- The Recipe Writer's Handbook, Revised and Updated [reference work to buy]
- Recipes Into Type: A Handbook for Cookbook Writers and Editors [reference work to buy]
- Red and black stamps (PDF editing stamps; go to the "Resources" tab, then look under the "Miscellaneous" heading for Diana Stirling's two compressed files.)
- Reference Manager (for managing bibliographies and reference lists) [software to buy]
- Reference works on many diverse topics, such as bibliography software, ethics, and maps (from the Council of Science Editors)
- RefWorks (for managing bibliographies and reference lists) [software to buy]
- Resolve a DOI (from The DOI System; a DOI [digital object identifier] is a unique and permanent Internet document identifier)
- Resources for learning about inclusive media and its creators and building better media, from Inclusive Media Solutions LLC
- "Resources for Writing and Editing Grant Proposals," from the blog EditorMom
- Revising Prose (on stylistic and structural editing) [reference work to buy]
- "Salami Slicing and the SPU: Publish or Perish?" from Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics (about the problem with least publishable units, aka smallest publishable units) [PDF to download]
- Samosapedia (a guide to South Asian lingo) [online reference work]
- The SBL Handbook of Style [reference work to buy]
- "The Science of Scientific Writing" (from American Scientist)
- Scientific English: A Guide for Scientists and Other Professionals [reference work to buy]
- Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [reference work to buy]
- Scopus: a citation indexing database for determining where a science research article has been cited (subscription required)
- Self-Editing for Fiction Writers: How to Edit Yourself Into Print [reference work to buy]
- Self-Publishing Using LibreOffice Writer [reference work to buy]
- Self-Publishing Using OpenOffice.org 3 Writer [reference work to buy]
- Sentence diagramming with Grammar Revolution [online tools to use]
- Sick English: Medicalization in the English Language [reference work to buy]
- "What's New in the 18th Edition" of The Chicago Manual of Style
- "Simple Words and Phrases," a resource from the Plain Language Action and Information Network (formed by employees of the U.S. government) providing simple equivalents for long phrases
- Sin and Syntax: How to Craft Wicked Good Prose (on stylistic and structural editing) [reference work to buy]
- "The 'Singular They' Articles" (compiled by Gael Spivek)
- "Software for Editors," from the blog The Editors' Weekly
- Spanish-English English-Spanish Medical Dictionary [reference work to buy]
- SPJ [Society of Professional Journalists] Toolbox
- Spellex spelling checkers: medical, legal, scientific, veterinary, botanical, dental, and geography [software to buy; available in both PC and Mac versions]
- Sports Style Guide & Reference Manual: The Complete Reference for Sports Editors, Writers, and Broadcasters [reference work to buy]
- Statistics for Dummies [reference work to buy]
- Stedman's Medical Abbreviations, Acronyms & Symbols [reference work to buy]
- Stedman's Medical Dictionary [reference work to buy]
- Stedman's Medical Terms and Phrases [reference work to buy]
- Stedman's Plus 2021 Medical/Pharmaceutical Spellchecker [software to buy]
- Stet Again! More Tricks of the Trade for Publications People [reference work to buy]
- Sticky Notes [software to buy; free version is available]
- Strategic Copy Editing [reference work to buy]
- Strunk and White's The Elements of Style
- A Student's Dictionary for Biblical & Theological Studies [reference work to buy]
- Style Guide (from The Economist)
- Style Guide for NASA History Authors and Editors (from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA])
- Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace (on stylistic and structural editing) [reference work to buy]
- Style Manual & Writers Guide for Intelligence Publications (from the CIA) [PDF to download]
- Stylebook Supplement on Lesbian, Guy, Bisexual & Transgender Terminology (from the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association)
- Subtleties of Scientific Style [PDF to download]
- The Subversive Copyeditor [reference work to buy]
- Tagging manuscripts (adding typesetting codes) by using Microsoft Word's AutoText toolbar (from the Editorium)
- Tea Vendors and Communities (links to online vendors of whole-leaf teas and to tea communities—necessities because all good editing, in the opinion of KOK Edit's Katharine O'Moore-Klopf, is fueled by tea)
- Technical Editing [reference work to buy]
- Technical Editing in the 21st Century [reference work to buy]
- Technical Editing: The Practical Guide for Editors and Writers [reference work to buy]
- Technical Editors' Eyrie
- Telegraph Style Book (from the The Daily Telegraph [of the United Kingdom])
Textbook Development as an Art and a Science
[reference work to buy] - TextSTAT (text analysis and concordance software; useful for generating a word-frequency list and eliminating spelling inconsistencies) [free software]
- The Times Style and Usage Guide (from the The Times [of London])
- Trademark Electronic Search System (from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; search for U.S. trademarks)
- Trans Journalists Association's Style Guide (from the Trans Journalists Association) [online reference work]
- "Turabian Quick Guide" (a guide to following Turabian style)
- U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual [PDF to download]
- Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors)
- Union List of Artist Names Online
- United Nations Editorial Manual
- "United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Style and Graphics Guide, 2008" [PDF to download]
- Universal Currency Converter
- USCCB Style Guide (from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) [reference work to buy]
- USPTO Design Search Code Manual (from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; search for U.S. design pieces)
- Video tutorials on editing and macros, created by Paul Beverley
- The Videogame Style Guide and Reference Manual [reference work to buy]
- Voices, Identities, Negotiations, and Conflicts: Writing Academic English Across Cultures [reference work to buy]
- Web of Knowledge: a citation indexing database for determining where a science research article has been cited (subscription required)
- Web Style Guide: Foundations of User Experience Design [reference work to buy]
- Merriam-Webster Unabridged [subscription-based reference work]
- Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms [reference work to buy]
- What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing [reference work to buy]
- What Editors Want: An Author's Guide to Scientific Journal Publishing (book review here) [reference work to buy]
- "What Is Substantive Editing?"
- WikiDoc (a searchable wiki of medical knowledge)
- Windows keyboard shortcuts for PCs and Macs
- Who's Who with Who Was Who [online reference to subscribe to]
- Wildcard Cookbook for Microsoft Word [reference work to buy]
- Windows Secrets—"Everything Microsoft forgot to mention" [newsletter]
- WIPO Gold (from the World Intellectual Property Organization; search for patents, domain names, brands, designs, marks, etc.)
- Wired Style [reference work to buy]
- Word-PC e-mail list (when you need help with Microsoft Word as designed for the PC)
- Word_VBA discussion forum (when you need help with Microsoft Word VBA, which is Visual Basic for Applications, a programming language that helps with document automation)
- Word 2007 Macros & VBA Made Easy [reference work to buy]
- Word Hacks: Tips & Tools for Taming Your Text [reference work to buy]
- Words into Type [reference work to buy]
- "Working with Multi-Language Authors," from the journal Science Editor
- The World Clock—Time Zones
- Writer–editor relationships, onscreen editing, avoiding repetitive-stress injuries, and more
- Writing From A to Z [reference work to buy]
- The Yahoo! Style Guide: The Ultimate Sourcebook for Writing, Editing, and Creating Content for the Digital World (see also the style guide's home) [reference work to buy]
- "Your Go-To Pocket-Dictionary for Gender-Neutral Terms and Pronouns" [online reference work]
- YourDictionary.com [online reference]
- Your Dictionary: Romance Languages [online reference]
- Zotero (for managing bibliographies and reference lists) [free software]
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