KOK Edit: consulting medical editor
KOK Edit: your_new.php KOK Edit: consulting medical editor Katharine O'Moore Klopf

Medical editor providing . . .

Precise editing of

Read more about editing for multilingual authors...

Line editor, substantive editor, and developmental editor working with . . .

Why is editing expensive? The quick answers are (1) because editors are trained professionals rather than just people who like to read and (2) the kind of editing that I do is a specialty rather a general skill. Here is a colleague's blog post that explains in detail.

See Fees and Terms of Service for additional information.

I prefer to operate my business without employees, so when you contract with KOK Edit for editing, you can be assured that I am the editor, with extensive editing skills and experience, who is polishing your documents. I also do not subcontract my projects to other editors. However, if you need an editorial service that I do not provide, such as translation, medical writing, design and layout, proofreading, or indexing, I can refer you to colleagues with those skills.

A few words about my business’s name, KOK Edit: It is pronounced “Kay-Oh-Kay Edit,” because I created its name by using my personal initials, KOK, which stand for Katharine O’Moore-Klopf.

 I use the AMA Manual of Style.    I use Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers.    I use the Chicago Manual of Style.