KOK Edit: Your favorite copyeditor since 1984(SM)
KOK Edit: your favorite copyeditor since 1984(SM) KOK Edit: your favorite copyeditor since 1984(SM) Katharine O'Moore-Klopf

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Thank you so much for your wonderful edits. I have glanced through them and they are, again, just exceptional.
I am so grateful for
your help.
—Kimberly Hreha, EdD, OTR/L,
Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Occupational Therapy Doctorate Division, School of Medicine, Duke University

A medical editor can make a good book or a good journal article great, getting rid of inconsistencies, pointing out errors of fact, eliminating wordiness, and smoothing transitions between topics. A good medical editor is the the researcher-author's enthusiastic advocate.

I am that advocate. I will help you make your book or journal manuscript the best it can be. I will ensure that your manuscript is well structured, uses the right features to best illustrate your ideas and findings, tells your research story rather than just reciting data, and has the right tone for your target journal or publisher. I will take the time to help you make your writing its best.

If you are a multilingual author, I will work with you to remove the language barrier that can keep book publishers and biomedical journals from considering your manuscript.

Member of BELS since 2008 and board-certified editor in the life sciences (ELS)I am Katharine O'Moore-Klopf (doing business as KOK Edit), an experienced medical editor and a board-certified editor in the life sciences who has helped multilingual authors in more than 20 nations get their articles published in more than 60 biomedical journals. I follow the code of ethics of the Board of Editors in the Life Sciences and the code of ethics of the American Medical Writers Association.

Call or e-mail me today so that we can discuss how I can help you with your manuscript. Please see Fees and Terms of Service for additional information. For more information about the valuable skills and training that medical editors have and how those help your writing be its best and be more likely to be published, see "A Comprehensive Guide to Medical Editing."

A few words about my business’s name, KOK Edit: It is pronounced “Kay-Oh-Kay Edit,” because I created its name by using my personal initials, KOK, which stand for Katharine O’Moore-Klopf.